Monday, March 18, 2013

Snow Again!

As I am typing this blog entry we have once again a snow day.  March 18th seems late in the year for a snow day especially since we had none before February.  We are all ready for spring here and tired of the snow.

The big excitement is that the kids had dentist appointments.  They always think these are so much fun!

Cate is starting a volleyball camp and Josh is starting Little League Baseball so we needed to buy some supplies.  Cate got knee pads and Josh some baseball pants.  The league insists you have white pants.  I'm a little scare of white baseball pants.  Doesn't brown (dirt color) or green (grass stain) pants make more sense?

Cate was tired of shopping after just a few minutes.  She really was very grumpy about having to be at the store with us.  Hmm...

Josh however loved modeling his new "white" baseball pants!  Look now folks.  They may never be this white again.  It's good we got a picture to prove they were once white.

Easter is close and Cate helped decorate the outside.  We are hoping it doesn't snow on our eggs!

Both kids were recommended for braces in the future.  Josh is so thrilled and thinking this is going to be super fun.  We did have our first consultation and they said it would be about October before they would start the process and he is disappointed.  I just hope he's not too disappointed once the braces are on.  I'm thinking it's not going to be that much fun.  Cate has about another year before she will have lost all her baby teeth and starts the orthodontics process.

Ipad games help pass the time while waiting for the orthodontist to come into the room.

Cate got to play in the office waiting room while Josh was being poked and prodded.  The office waiting area was quite fun with video games and slushes for the kids.  It was so much fun we had to stay an extra 20 minutes so Josh could play once he was done being checked out.

Today is a snow day and Cate's favorite thing to do is watch movies while Josh loves to play the Wii.  Both kids are getting more used to having unstructured time and finding things to do so they don't have to be constantly entertained by Mom.  This is a win-win situation.

Here's a picture of 2 of my favorite people....Sweet Nolan and Grandpa Jeff!

Have a great day!  Always continue

Choosing joy,

Chris & crew

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