Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We have had a lot of family and fun at our house for Thanksgiving weekend.  It was our off year which means our married children were celebrating the holiday with their spouse's family.  Because of this our crowd wasn't as large as usual.  Luke and Susi were able to make it up on Saturday so that was nice to have them even for a short visit.

Once Thanksgiving dinner was over we decided to decorate the house for Christmas.   Josh put the train set together while Cate helped decorate the trees.  Lots of puzzles were started and completed too along with a few movies and games inbetween.

Our good friends and neighbors, the Noonans, invited us over for some games and we really enjoyed the evening!  Miss Mary taught us a new game called "Garbage" which Cate gets confused and calls "Garage" all the time.  :)  I can see the similarity in the letters, can't you?

Josh and Cate were thrilled to have an overnight with Nick, Autumn and Nolan.  They really had fun! Thanks Kuya Nick and Ate Autumn for having them visit!  We love and appreciate you!


It is such joy to see the eyes of the Christmas season through a child's eyes.  Josh and Cate are beyond excited for this holiday season.  We need to keep reminding them that Jesus is the reason for the season but what a priveledge to be the one to help them see Jesus everyday and not just at Christmas time.  As Cate was helping us search through the store room for our Christmas stockings she would look in box after box and seem amazed.  Finally she said "You have so many books!  You have so much stuff!"  She is sure right!  We have alot of stuff.  I hope I can remember to keep my eyes on Jesus today and throughout this Christmas season!  Thanks for praying for us and reading the blog. 
Choosing joy,
Chris & crew

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