Monday, December 10, 2012

December rolls on!

This week we helped get Grandma Joan further settled in her new cozy apartment near us.  This means we get to see her often and she came to church and lunch at Fazoli's with us.  This also means we get to spend more time with other family members such as Aunt Dawn and Uncle Tim Troup from Michigan.

The kids will start Upwards basketball in January and Josh had evaluations on Saturday.  He is a great athlete and we love watching him in sports. 

Another interesting funny milestone this week was Josh felt sure he needed to shave.  I kind of agree with him so he tried out Daddy's razor.  What he likes most about shaving is putting on the aftershave cologne.  Josh loves to smell good!

We purchased a train set for around the tree.  We have had one that my grandma gave our older kids about 25 years ago and it has been lots of fun.  Last year the motor in the engine quit working so we thought maybe it was time to get a new train.  Cate is pictured below with the older set and the newer one.  We opened the new set and the kids helped Jeff put it together.  We were all excited for the big moment and it wouldn't work right.  It would run 3 seconds and stop or maybe not run at all..  It seemed like there was a short in the track somewhere.  So it has to go back to the store.  Everyone was disappointed.  I guess they don't make things like they used too.  Hopefully we will get a new train that is great for the next 25 years!

We are having lots of fun this Christmas season but trying super hard to keep Jesus as our focus amidst all the excitement.  We love and know Jesus and our hope is you do too!  Thanks for praying for us and reading the blog. 

Choosing joy,
Chris & crew

Monday, December 3, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

December has arrived and the temp is to be near 60 degrees today.  Pretty strange weather for December in IN.  Josh & Cate are ready for snow but this nicer weather is great for putting up outdoor Christmas lights. 

We've had another busy week of soccer.  Josh & Cate both love soccer and do a great job.  This is their first experience at indoor soccer.  It seems to be working out well.

Nick, Autmn, & Nolan came to visit for a night.   This is always a thrill for us!

  We took the "Clarks" sign from the Brook family house to hang on our lamp post.
Josh is getting the new "Clarks" sign ready to hang.  We love it!
Grandma Joan moved up to Fort Wayne to an assisted living community this weekend.  We are loving that she is so close by.  Other family members were here to help out.  We loved having so much family around.

 We stopped by Grandma Joan's new place in the evening to bring her some
ice cream for her bedtime snack. 
Josh & Cate are liking this plan!

It was the start of December so Josh & Cate have special chocolate Advent calendars from Ate Susi and Kuya Luke. They get to eat a piece of candy each night before bed as we talk about the Christmas story. Hmmm....Jeff & I think this is a cruel trick on parents! Josh & Cate are loving it though for sure!

Thanks for reading the blog and praying for us.  Christmas is coming soon and we pray you know Jesus this holiday season. 

Choosing joy,
Chris & crew